10th December marks the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). UDHR is a document which underpins all international human rights law and enshrines basic rights and freedoms. But what are the challenges to human rights 70 years after the adoption of this milestone document? Join a panel of lawyers and legal academics who specialise in human rights to celebrate the 70th birthday of international human rights law.


Professor Margaret Thornton is a Professor at the Australian National University with expertise in feminist and socio-legal perspectives on law. She is one of Australia’s leading women’s rights experts. She will speak about women’s rights and sexing the citizen

Dr Dorota Gozdecka is a Senior Lecturer at the ANU College of Law. She specialises in issues of human rights and has acted as an external expert for such international organisations responsible for human rights policies as the Council of Europe. She will consider whether human rights are in crisis and whether we can remedy it.

Scott Cosgriff is the Senior Protection Associate and worked previously as a Senior Solicitor at the Refugee Advice & Casework Service. He is Co-Chair of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights’ Refugee Rights Subcommittee. Scott will speak about current issues concerning rights of refugees.

Likim Ng is a PhD candidate at the ANU College of Law, Australian National University. She was previously a legal intern at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Her talk will focus on increased security focus and its impact on human rights.

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